Talking The Nile - We Are Africa

Talking The Nile

Talking The Nile


Words By Olivia Squire

Former British military parachuter Levison Wood is an explorer, writer and photographer who has covered conflicts, events and stories around the world for over ten years. In 2014 he became the first man to attempt to walk the length of the Nile, which saw him spend nine months travelling through rainforests, deserts, cities and even war zones in Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt.

In the hit documentary that followed – ‘Walking the Nile’ – he shared his story of modern Africa with the world. We were lucky enough to have Levison enthrall and entertain our tribe with just a few of the encounters he experienced along the way at the We Are Africa 2015 Conference – click above to hear what he had to say about this diverse continent.

John Segar