In December 2022 the World Travel and Tourism Council brought together an alliance of over 150 companies that represent the global travel and tourism industry committed to taking a “nature-positive” approach to halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030.

The ultimate goal is to change the relationship between tourism activities on the natural world. Over 80% of tourism activities are directly in and around nature. As travellers become increasingly conscious of their impact on the natural environment there is a demand for initiatives that offset the negative impact of tourism activities.

What exactly is nature-positive travel?

The WTTC published their latest report with ideas and concepts on how to reduce the negative impact of travel and tourism. A handy guide for all stakeholders on how to leave behind a better world. To view the WTTC nature positive portal, download the report and toolbox follow this link.

Simply put, this new concept encourages travellers and stakeholders to leave a footprint, as long as it’s a positive one.

Rebuilding nature and offsetting biodiversity loss is the key focus of the initiative. Emphasising the importance of “green investment” on properties where habitat damage has taken place.

Julia Simpson, president and CEO of the WTTC, outlines the importance of relocating facilities, imposing limited vehicle usage or alternative options and work together with local communities to restore the natural environment.

“I was just at a resort in Bali that is using 3D printers to print coral and plug it back into places to start rebuilding the reef and protecting the fish stock,” Simpson told the New York Times in a recent article.

Travel & Tourism is uniquely placed to make a real difference. 80% of Travel & Tourism is highly dependent on nature so it is crucial we take a proactive role in advancing nature conservation.





Melisa Harvey